【文章標題】: 監測附近藍芽裝置-BluetoothView v1.04 中文化綠色版
【文章作者】: 軟體中文化網路補習班-總教頭
【作者信箱】: steven8ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://visdacom.com/
【內容分類】: 藍芽裝置
【附件大小】: 36KB
【資料連結】: http://visdacom.com/chinese/
【解壓密碼】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地
【軟體官方】: http://www.nirsoft.net/
【版權聲明】: 本文原創:軟體中文化教學-【網路補習班】-可以轉載!請注明作者並保持文章完整。不可部分刪除!
監測附近藍芽裝置-BluetoothView v1.04 中文化綠色版
BluetoothView bluetoothview是一個很小的套用程式,可以在後台運行,並監測附近活動的藍芽裝置。

監測附近藍芽裝置-BluetoothView v1.04 中文化綠色版
Runs in the background, and monitors the activity of Bluetooth devices around you
The BluetoothView application was designed to be a small tools that runs in the background, and monitors
the activity of Bluetooth devices around you.
For each detected Bluetooth device, it displays the following information: Device Name, Bluetooth Address,
Major Device Type, Minor Device Type, First Detection Time, Last Detection Time, and more.
BluetoothView can also notify you when a new Bluetooth device is detected, by displaying a balloon in your
taskbar or by playing a small beep sound.
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